Sunday, November 29, 2009

Today Is A New Day in RuLaLa-Land!

For some unknown reason I woke up with the Etsy-bug this morning. I really should be thankful it isn't the swine-bug, although then I would probably just be prescribed some form of antibiotics and be done with it. No, the Etsy-bug consists of wanting so badly to be a successful part of Etsy, yet not knowing how. It's like I am stuck in quick-sand. Wait, if I were to be stuck in quick-sand, at least I would eventually get swallowed up, right? I would never be subjected to this constant misery again. No, it's like I am stuck in Mod-Podge. Going nowhere, yet seeing success everywhere. I spend countless hours browsing through the beautiful pictures and amazingly creative handmade objects on Etsy, always feeling inferior. I'm constantly checking successful vintage sellers, their start-up date, the amount of sales the have, their hearts. I then meander on over to my little out-of-the-way shop & feel like I am just wasting my time. Etsy has all-of-a-sudden become the big-leagues. It's like living in a small town and thinking you're pretty damn special, and then moving to a huge city. You go unnoticed. And that is where I am currently stuck.

Today, for some unknown reason-maybe it was the 3 beers or the slice of pepperoni pizza I consumed before bed (while claiming to be a vegetarian & on-the-wagon)-IT HIT ME! Pull your head out of your mod-podge and start using it (My head that is, although I could use the glue for something wonderful, crafty, & creative)! I sit around waiting for someone to notice me (I am talking about my shops not my personal life-although we might get to that later). I've been a passive-aggressive seller in the past. Well NO MORE! I'm going to get so busy that I won't have the time to throw pity-parties, where the only person that bothers to show up is myself. I'm going to blog all the time and fill page after page of pretty pictures and strange tid-bits. Even if I am uncomfortable with trying new things and sharing my thoughts and ideas, it's going to happen damn-it! I'm going to promote, advertise, join Etsy Teams, Twitter, Facebook, Forums, everything that a newbie is suppose to do! And I will NOT think too hard about it either! Action!

Maybe I haven't caught the Etsy-bug, maybe I am on my way to being cured! Maybe it is the Etsy-Success-Bug! That sounds much better. xxxooo -Ru

1 comment:

  1. thanks for following my blog! Love the stuff in your etsy shop!
